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EPS / EDPs Collections Support, EPS / EDPs Survey Support, & EPS / EDPs Fieldworks (JAC-SCN-11)

Updated: Jun 17, 2024

We bring together distinct Packs & Packages Sourcing & Collection capabilities for the Clients or Solution Providers with unparalleled Field Strategies & Knowledge of the Local Topography & Markets. We have built a strong reputation in the market by providing exclusive EDPs Collections Business Intelligence & Industry Trend Analysis to the Clients or Solution Providers in addressing any Concerns, Interests, Specifics, Insights, intelligence, or Challenges, etc.


Our EPS / EDPs Fieldworks Support for Clients assists Clients with necessary data, & facts to analyze the prevalence of ITTP in selected metropolitan, urban, rural, or specific selected geographic areas. Our Fieldworks are made available & so yielding specific observations.


Our EPS / EDPs Collections Support, EPS / EDPs Survey Support, & EPS / EDPs Fieldworks

As regards Containers, Casings, Enclosures, Packages, & Packs, the Industry Challenges for Material & Design Innovations, Sustainability, Branding & Marketing, Inspirational & Active Packaging is huge & vividly obvious.

This portrays a need for the Senior Packaging Professionals throughout the Supply Chain to forge strong & ever-lasting Business & Brand Protection best practices, Intelligence, & Knowledge about the very latest research affecting the trends in the Packaging Industry as it relates to both Consumer & Non-Consumer Products, or Goods.

We provide an excellent Field Sourcing & Field Collection Support for the International Manufacturers, Professional Producers, Distributors, Research Agencies, Researchers, & Decision-makers in the Health, Hazards, Safety, Environmental, Social, Enforcement, & Economic Industries, etc.; more so with Containers, Casings, Enclosures, Plastics, Packs, Printing, & Packaging Industries, but also presenting the opportunity for these diverse Clients to obtain numerous relevant information there in from the perspective of their respective interests.

Our EPS / EDPs Collections Support, EPS / EDPs Survey Support, & EPS / EDPs Fieldworks: Our Objectives

Our Empty Pack Survey provides an Objective & Statistical estimate in the consumption of any products & the incidence rate of Illicit Products in the Market. It helps identify the areas within a city or town that are most affected by the Black Market & the likely Origin of the Illicit Products or Legality of the Product.

​The Survey includes the collection of Empty Discarded Packs of a / any Specific Selected Products in sampled Neighborhoods that include Residential, Commercial, & Industrial areas to have a complete representation of a population. Following the rigorous Collection, these Empty Packs will undergo careful Processing & will be Recorded & Analyzed. ​

These Studies have made it possible to assess the extent of certain phenomena such as Illicit Trade, Border Flows, Smuggling, Trafficking, & even Counterfeiting. 

Our EPS / EDPs Collections Support, EPS / EDPs Survey Support, & EPS / EDPs Fieldworks: Our Sourcing & Collections Capabilities

We bring together distinct Packs & Packages Sourcing & Collection capabilities for the Clients or Solution Providers with unparalleled Field Strategies & Knowledge of the Local Topography & Markets.

We have built a strong reputation in the market by providing exclusive EDPs Collections Business Intelligence & Industry Trend Analysis to the Clients or Solution Providers in addressing any of the following Concerns, Interests, Specifics, Insights, intelligence, or Challenges, such as:

  • Aluminum Packaging

  • Automation Technology

  • Bio Polymers

  • Bioplastics

  • Bottling

  • Branding

  • Closures & Containers

  • Corrugated Materials

  • Compostable Packaging

  • Consumable Material

  • Contract Manufacturing

  • Design

  • Eco Design

  • Flexible Material

  • Functional Packaging

  • Glass Packaging

  • Graphic Design

  • Green Manufacturing

  • Interactive Packaging

  • Nanotechnology

  • Outsourcing

  • Labeling Technologies

  • Packaging

  • Paper Packaging

  • Prototyping

  • Recyclable Material

  • Reduced Material Packaging

  • Rigid Plastics

  • Safety Compliance

  • Structural Design

  • Supply Chain Management

  • Printing Technologies

  • Product Life-cycle Management


Our EPS / EDPs Collections Support, EPS / EDPs Survey Support, & EPS / EDPs Fieldworks: Our Collections & Survey Supports 1

EPS / EDPs Collections Support & EPS / EDPs Survey Support – (EPS / EDPs Fieldworks Support) can also be deployed to assists in deducting a few intriguing information, data, & facts (direct or indirect) as it relates to a specific or Product, Goods, or Brand such as:

  • Consumption

  • Geographics

  • Demographics

  • Regulatory

  • Market Size

  • Market Share

  • Brand Perception

  • Brand Acceptance

  • Penetration

  • Politics

  • Social

  • Trade Flows & Links

  • Trade Network

  • Distribution

  • Influencers & Influences

  • Market Intelligence

  • Competitive Advantages of the various Complementary / Substitute Brands

  • Brand Infiltration

  • Smuggling Pattern

  • Supply & Distribution Intelligence

  • Brand Spread

  • Brand Sales Report

  • Market Factors 

  • Policy Tracking

  • Economic Elements

  • Counterfeit Research

  • Price

  • Impacts

  • Contingencies

  • Frameworks (Administration, Management, Legal, etc.)

  • Sustainability & Control

  • Complementary & Substitute Brands

Our EPS / EDPs Collections Support, EPS / EDPs Survey Support, & EPS / EDPs Fieldworks: Why Choose Our EPS / EDPs Fieldworks Support?

Illicit Trade in certain Consumer Goods & Products creates many harms including Reduced Tax Revenues; damages to the economic interests of Legitimate Actors; funding for Organized-crime & Terrorist Groups; negative effects of participation in Illicit Markets, such as Violence & Incarceration; & reduced effectiveness of Smoking-reduction Policies, leading to increased damage to Health. 

To study the prevalence of Tax Avoidance & ITTP, we collect on the fields & analyze a large, novel set of data from Empty Discarded Pack (EDP) Studies. In EDP Studies, teams of researchers collect all packs discarded in publicly accessible spaces of selected neighborhoods. Packs are examined for:

  • The absence of Local Tax Stamps

  • Signs of Non-authentic Packaging



  • Signs of Non-authentic Packaging Stamps

  • Signs of other Indications of Potential Tax Evasion



  • Signs of Counterfeit Product


Our EPS / EDPs Fieldworks Support for Clients assists Clients with necessary data, & facts to analyze the prevalence of ITTP in selected metropolitan, urban, rural, or specific selected geographic areas. Our Fieldworks are made available & so yielding specific observations. Each observation includes dozens of variables covering the:

  • Brand

  • Location to the ZIP Code Level



  • Tax Status

  • Counterfeit Status



  • Other Information about the Pack 


Our EPS / EDPs Collections Support, EPS / EDPs Survey Support, & EPS / EDPs Fieldworks: Our Collections & Survey Supports 2

In EPS / EDPs Studies, there is modest evidence of Tax Avoidance & Illicit Trade under the broadest assumptions, which includes: Bootlegging, Counterfeits, Products intentionally produced for Illicit-market Sales, & Products without any Tax Stamps. These data will inform future studies of the effect of this increase on ITTP.

In Our Econometric Investigation, we explore the determinants of ITTP. Prices in other States, Regions, or Geography depicts a lot; for instance, a dollar increase per hour of driving time in the “price differential” with other States, Regions, or Geography is associated with “a percentage point” of higher probability that tax was not paid for a product.

Tax avoidance also rises with the proximity of Licensed Product Retailers (at least where they are most common). Other parts of the variation in ITTP are due to the differing Demographic Makeup of the areas. Income, at least in some ranges, can also be found to have a negative impact on Tax Avoidance. The Target Market & Target Population as a factor has a strong effect on Tax Avoidance, compared to the Ethnicity Category.

Our EPS / EDPs Fieldworks Support enable Clients to pinpoint and analyze the following activities such as:

  • Black Markets

  • Contraband



  • Counterfeit Product

  • Excise Taxes



  • Garbology

  • Interstate Smuggling



  • ITTP


Our EPS / EDPs Collections Support, EPS / EDPs Survey Support, & EPS / EDPs Fieldworks: Our Focus of EPS / EDPs Fieldworks Support

We are of the understanding that Policymakers need to learn about the current state of Illicit Trade both to evaluate the impacts of existing policies & to analyze prospectively the outcomes that would result from “proposed policy changes”. This requires data on the Scale, Geographic Distribution, & Composition of ITTP. 

However, despite the manifold Criminal, Social, & Economic Consequences of Illicit Trade, reliable data from Illicit Markets generally & ITTP specifically are scarce. Consequently, Product-policy Researchers, Health Economists, Criminologists, & others interested in Illicit Markets & the Underground Economy more generally find themselves with limited data for analysis, for hypothesis testing, & for offering Policy Recommendations.

In line with this, Our EPS / EDPs Fieldworks Support makes it possible for Clients to assemble a large, novel set of data from Empty Discarded Pack (EDP) Surveys.


Our Service Terms & Conditions


It is worthy to note that the Context of the word “Consumer” as used by James Areh Cognisance® widely implies either: Value-Chains, Actors, Individuals, Corporates, Communities, Sellers, Buyers, Customers, Players, Consultants, Experts, Influencers, Suppliers, Purchasers, Distributors, Supply-Chain, Distribution-Chain, Marketers, Families, Stockists, Agencies, Government, Representatives, Markets, Sectors, Users, Industries, or Beneficiaries.


Our Market Research, Market Surveys, Fieldworks & Data Collections Capabilities & Access are Wide Ranging.

For more information on how we can provide further insight for you, your business, or your clients, we would encourage you to contact us to Buy Now or Subscribe or Discover more.



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