James Areh Cognisance® plays an important role in the Data Collection Landscape, acting as a Researcher’s Agent to provide unbiased sample, facilitate the search for hard-to-reach sample, & deliver with the highest level of quality & customer care..
We explore Perceptions, Perspectives & Emotions & reveal a whole New Level of Understanding into what makes your customers tick. But we also appreciate that, sometimes, you need a quicker, leaner, more agile approach.
Our Automotive / Automotive / Aotomotive Market Research Fieldworks
Whether it’s all a out Sedans, Saloons, Trucks, Trailers, Long Vehicles, Buses, Commercial Vehicles, Mass Transits, Fleets, or just Cars, etc.; Or whether you want to understand about the decline in new car sales in Africa, globalization, mega-platforms, connected cars, the impact of PCP, consumer trust, or just wanting to know how satisfied your new customers are, we can offer innovative approaches & cost-effective, tailored solutions.
Our Automotive / Automotive / Aotomotive Market Research Fieldworks Coverage
Our Automotive experience covers both qualitative (with partners in most African Countries) & quantitative research. Having our own in-house CATI team ensures that there is a constant dialogue with project managers so that proactive solutions can be implemented to optimize any survey i.e., quantitative follow-up surveys for awareness & perception research.
Whether it be an awareness & perception study, development of a communication strategy to support & develop a car brand, how best to launch a new model or understanding buying behaviour & psychology, we are sure we can help you.
Why Our Automotive / Automotive / Aotomotive Market Research Fieldworks
Why Our Automotive Research Fieldworks ?
Our Automotive Research At Different Stages Of your Journey
The Automotive Sector is facing a period of change, with New Technologies & Innovations impacting the way that consumers & businesses own, operate, & maintain vehicles. While this is confronting, many businesses have taken it as an opportunity to consider their offering, looking at how their products or services can better deliver to the needs of the market.
Our Automotive Research is conducted at different stages in the journey as follows:
Automotive 1
Automotive 2
Automotive 3
To succeed in the highly competitive African Automotive Market, businesses also need to deliver an Exceptional & Differentiated Customer Experience. Access to information gives customers a greater level of agency in the process, & hence suppliers need to deliver a customer-centric approach across all touchpoints. Key moments of truth need to be identified & the processes that support these moments of truth need to be optimized to ensure the Rational & Emotional Needs of the customer are truly satisfied.
At James Areh Cognisance®, we strongly believe that these strategies should be underpinned by robust & reliable data. Our knowledge & experience means we can tap into the nuances of your market & uncover insights that help you differentiate, & ultimately succeed. Alongside, this, our pragmatic approach ensures that we design & deliver research to get you what you don’t know, rather than what you do.
Our Automotive / Automotive / Aotomotive Market Research Fieldworks Expertise
We are Experts in accessing Specialized Audiences & Markets.
James Areh Cognisance® has a strong grounding & contact network in very fragmented & hard to reach industries which clearly differentiates their service as a value add when compared to competitors.
Extensive Experience that lets us address your Specific Business Issues.
Recent topics we've explored:
Our Service Terms & Conditions
It is worthy to note that the Context of the word “Consumer” as used by James Areh Cognisance® widely implies either: Value-Chains, Actors, Individuals, Corporates, Communities, Sellers, Buyers, Customers, Players, Consultants, Experts, Influencers, Suppliers, Purchasers, Distributors, Supply-Chain, Distribution-Chain, Marketers, Families, Stockists, Agencies, Government, Representatives, Markets, Sectors, Users, Industries, or Beneficiaries.
Our Market Research, Market Surveys, Fieldworks & Data Collections Capabilities & Access are Wide Ranging.
For more information on how we can provide further insight for you, your business, or your clients, we would encourage you to contact us to Buy Now or Subscribe or Discover more.